There are a number of causes for pain between your shoulder blades. A common cause is an overuse injury, such as from throwing a ball or certain sports.

A physical therapist can help ease shoulder pain with back-strengthening exercises and stretching. Medications like over-the-counter pain relievers, such as ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin), can also help reduce the discomfort.
Muscle Strain

A muscle strain is a common cause of pain around and under the shoulder blade. It occurs when you overload the muscles by performing a physical activity beyond their capacity. Muscle fibers work like elastic bands, stretching and contracting as you move. When the muscles are loaded beyond their capacity, they get pulled, resulting in sharp pain and inflammation around the shoulder blade.

In grade I (mild) strains, only a small number of muscle fibers are torn. You experience a minor decrease in muscle strength and some swelling. In grade II strains, nearly half of the muscle fibers are torn. You have significant pain, swelling and a decreased ability to use the injured muscle.

If the injury is severe or the symptoms do not improve, you should see a doctor for medical treatment. Your doctor may suggest a variety of treatments depending on the severity and cause of the injury. These include:
Poor Posture

Poor posture places unequal stress on your muscles and ligaments. For example, hunching over or leaning to one side while sitting or standing can overload your back and neck muscles. This routine imbalance can cause pain between your shoulder blades and around the upper back.

Changing your posture can help, but it’s not always easy. It may take a few weeks or months to get used to a new position. You can also stretch and strengthen the muscles that support your posture to prevent back pain from developing in the future.

If your pain under or near your shoulder blade doesn’t go away with stretches and exercises, you should see your doctor. He will evaluate your posture and the muscles that support it, then recommend an appropriate treatment plan. He may recommend heat or cold therapy, massage, physical therapy or a brace to help reduce your pain. You may need surgery if the problem is serious.
Strained Muscles

A strained muscle can cause pain under the shoulder blades. Muscle strains can be caused by accidents, overusing muscles, or doing exercises or sports without properly warming up. It can also be caused by bad posture, like slouching, which places stress on the back muscles and makes them tight and tender.

If you’ve injured a muscle, your doctor will ask you about any symptoms you have, especially any changes in strength and how the injury occurred. You may need an X-ray or other tests, such as an ultrasound or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), to see the extent of the injury.

Begin by applying ice to reduce swelling. Put a thin layer of ice on the injured area for 10 to 15 minutes every hour on the first day, then every 3 to 4 hours for the next three days. Afterward, switch to heat to increase blood flow and speed up the healing process. Over-the-counter painkillers, such as acetaminophen, can help with the pain and swelling.

Pain under the shoulder blades can often be a result of a stress-related condition. If the pain is accompanied by nausea or shortness of breath, seek medical attention immediately as this may be an atypical presentation of a heart attack.

Working from home or juggling several jobs, tasks, and family responsibilities can lead to poor postures that weaken muscles and put pressure on spinal discs and joints. Combined with a sedentary lifestyle, this can cause back problems like the shoulder blade pain.

It’s important to incorporate strength and stretching exercises into your routine for long term shoulder pain relief. Start by doing these two to three times a week with one or two days pause and build up from there. It’s also worth getting a massage to ease the tightened muscles and reduce inflammation. If this is not an option, you can use a foam roller or massage ball at home and gently roll around the area of pain for a minute or more.back pain by shoulder blade

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